How Legal Grow Ops Can Keep Their Crops Covered
It is hard to believe that it has been over 20 years since California legalized the use of medical marijuana. In 2016, recreational use was finally voted in for adult use. Now, the cannabis industry in California and across the U.S. is growing faster than these states can issue licenses. Other states are quickly following California’s lead and are approving adult-use marijuana every year. Just like any other business, the marijuana industry has different levels of service from growers to retail stores to testing facilities. Insurance is available for all of these different levels within the cannabis industry, including grow-op insurance.
Grow Op License Requirements and Costs
There is a long and demanding application process to become a licensed cannabis grower. In California, there are 4 stages, each costing several thousands of dollars in fees and expenses. There is also a criminal background check completed on all applicants.
Depending on the size of the growing facility, there are various tiers of licensing for cannabis growers based on the square footage or type of growing operation from less than a 5,000 square foot area to a full-blown nursery of over one acre.
Coverages for Cannabis Grow Operations
The financial requirements and a yearlong process can make anyone want to throw up their hands and walk away. But for the ones who persevere and are approved, cannabis insurance is a necessity.
With CannGen’s grow op insurance coverage, there is no need to worry about coverage for a growing facility, no matter the size. CannGen’s general liability policy which includes cultivation, can be purchased monoline, or combined with other packages such as property, crop, or product liability.
There are various coverage, deductible, and endorsement options to fit any size grow facility. Coverage highlights include:
-Occurrence from CGL-ISO
-$1 million in personal advertising injury
-$500 minimum premium
-Duty to Defend
-Excess limits with the same carrier
CannGen’s grow op insurance is approved for numerous classifications such as indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse cultivators. Our Commercial General Liability policy is designed to meet the exact needs of both the hemp and cannabis industry.
About CannGen
For complete coverage of your cannabis or grow facility, contact CannGen Insurance Services today at (888) 751-3141 or email us at cannapp@CannGenins.com.