Differentiating Legal vs. Illegal Cannabis Products
When medical cannabis use became legalized in individual U.S. states like Colorado and California nearly a decade ago, dispensaries everywhere scrambled to create practices that would convey to the public that their product was safe, tested, and legal. Several dispensaries are known for providing quality products, and if you are a cannabis connoisseur, you probably know their names and where they’re located. But, what if you’re new to the world of cannabis?
How to Navigate Legal vs. Illegal Cannabis Products
Sometimes it’s challenging to ascertain the legitimacy of a dispensary, but here are some quick tips you can use upon entering a new place of business and ensure the cannabis products are legal.
Tip #1: Is Your State Legal Yet?
With all the press about medical marijuana, recreational cannabis, CBD oil, and other hemp-related buzzwords circling the Internet, it’s sometimes tricky to figure out what your state has to offer. Check this map for current information about whether or not your state has legalized cannabis for recreational use or only for medical consumption. If CBD or marijuana stores have not been approved in your state, then your concern about a new “legal” cannabis dispensary would be warranted.
Tip #2: What are The Prices?
If you live in a state like California where medical and recreational dispensaries are both legal as of 2020, you might wonder how to choose between the hundreds of dispensaries that have popped up within the last decade. How do you find a legal one? Here’s a simple tell: are prices suspiciously low? Does it seem too good to be true when you walk into a small, relaxed dispensary that doesn’t seem to have any security or regulation of their product?
Well, it probably is. Since recreational marijuana became legal in California and other states, prices have skyrocketed due to the increased tax restrictions on cannabis and the additional product testing and security measures employed by legal dispensaries.
Tip #3: Check Out the Facilities and the Products
Legal cannabis shops carry products that are tightly controlled and rigorously tested. Their facilities probably have security cameras, or even guards, to protect this product. Use your discretion the way you would when walking into a small bar or restaurant: does it seem like they’ve failed a health inspection? Is the staff happy to leave their product out on the counter for anyone to sample, or do they keep it under lock and key?
Added security measures speak to regulations and quality: two things you want when purchasing marijuana, CBD, or hemp. Don’t risk your health to buy cheaper products. Spend your hard-earned money on a quality product that you know is safe.
About CannGen Insurance Services
For more information about our comprehensive insurance solutions for the cannabis, CBD, and hemp industries, please visit our website at www.canngenins.com or email marketing@canngenins.com.